Thursday 19 February 2009


We are the White design team compromising of architects, graphic designers and 3D designers. We are a team working in collaboration with South Thames College and our proposal for our clients is based on the renovation of the student common room.

After visiting the college and observing the common room area it can be said that amongst other areas within the college, the common room area is one of the desperate rooms in need of renovation and needs to be brought back to ‘life.

Some of the major issues and observations we as a team came across after our initial visit to South Thames College common room were that:
· it felt really cramped and small
· unwelcoming
· Lacked from appropriate furniture.
· Lack of windows so therefore dark and gloomy.
· an overall dull look

Our aim and concept for this project is to transform the common room into a place of gathering, escapism refuge. To create a place that is welcoming and makes students want to use it and feel happy being in it. To create an inspiring place to spend time out from their studies and in between lessons.

Some of our initial ideas for the renovation are as follows:
clearer signage as to what the room is for
increase the feeling of height and spaciousness of the room
change of colour or the use of wallpaper
change of furniture, maybe walls as seating places or sofas
provide easy access/ circulation
a terrace or balcony to provide exterior space
vending machines
increase number of windows
improved entertainment

Meeting our clients and their participation throughout the design process is going to prove to be a very successful as working with them to find out what their ideas are will lead to a proposal that once built will be used and become a very important part of the college and will be used by many students from South Thames college.

We hope that the renovation of the common room will benefit the current and future students, as it will offer a place that is welcoming for the students to gather in and will create an alternative space to relax and provide forms of entertainment in, as opposed to leaving the college premises.

Researching our client’s needs and aspirations will provide us with a greater understanding of how to conclude with a successful outcome.

Project Timeline:

Week 1- Research into target audience, create a library of ideas to clients about what we as designers feel about the projects possible ideas etc.
Week 2- Meet clients and visit the common room again, sketches of current status and photographs.
Week 3- Collaboration of possible ideas for the project
Week 4- Discussions of ideas and development of project
Week 5- Further discussions of ideas and development of project
Week 6- Refining the project
Week 7- Refining the project
Week 8-Working on presentational drawings to show clients, photomontages, sketches, sections.
Week 9- Refining drawings and creating PowerPoint presentation

White Design Team

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